Are you prepared?

Nearly half of U.S. adults do NOT have the resources
and plans in place in the event of an emergency.

  • Store a 3-day supply of water: one gallon per person, per day.
  • Store at least a 3-day supply of non perishable, easy to prepare food.
  • 44% of Americans do NOT have first aid kits.
  • 48% of Americans do NOT have emergency supplies.
  • 20% of Americans get emergency info from mobile apps. Keep a charger handy in an emergency.
  • 20% of Americans use social media for alerts and warnings. Make sure to keep a charger handy in an emergency.
  • 52% of Americans do NOT have copies of crucial personal documents.
  • Don’t forget your pets! You need a 3-day supply of food and water per pet.

Prepare supplies for home, work, and vehicles. Emergencies can happen anywhere.

For more information visit:


More info, free to download (old but good info)

BOOKS (pdf’s) (Opens new page)

BUG OUT (pdf’s) (Opens new page)

OFF THE GRID (pdf’s).  (Opens new page)